Are you addicted to reading manga and watching anime? You maybe a Otaku. But don't worry there is nothing wrong with being a true fan of anime & manga (as long as you have fun). Download Otaku to chat with other obsessive fans of Anime & Manga! You are not alone. Otaku is a chat community dedicated to connecting lovers of manga, anime, and anything animation related together. Talk about your favorite series, what you like to read, cosplay or anything else on your mind.
In this Otaku app communication happens in real-time. You will find anime & manga enthusiasts that want to chat about their favorite shows, and manga. Talk with them online, share cool anime videos, movies, and music. Once you are friends, add them to your friend's list so you can message them later.
What are you waiting for? If you are a true Otaku then you need to download this app, and prove your fandom now!</br></br></br></br>